Wednesday, February 15, 2012

“Episcopal Candidates Corner”
Rev. George William Whitfield
YACM Public Relations Committee Member
Associate Minister at Spradling Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, Louisville KY

Good Afternoon my Zionite Family!

The Board of Bishops meeting is going on this week and it’s always exciting to see the Fathers and Mother of our church busy working to move our church in the right direction. I pray that someone who attended the meeting will submit a brief article to us, so that we can post it on our blog.

At the 2011 Winter Meeting today’s candidate decided to end one of his evening with us at the Red and Gold Fellowship. It was great to see him in there with his wife and daughter dancing and having fun with all of us. A few days ago I had the opportunity to talk with today’s candidate and I am happy to say that he was excited about having this opportunity.   

I would like to introduce to you today’s Episcopal Candidate the Rev. Dr. Michael Angelo Frencher. He is the son of the late Mr. James V. Frencher and Mrs. Rutha Mae Frencher. He was born in Detroit Michigan June 17, 1953.

Rev. Dr. Frencher completed his early education in the Detroit Public School System graduating from Mumford High School. He went on to the University of Detroit graduating in 1976 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration (Marketing Management). He continued his education at Hood Theological Seminary earning the Master of Divinity in 1981. In May of 1992 he earned the Doctor of Ministry Degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Dr. Frencher a long standing member of St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church, Detroit, Michigan, accepted his call into the ministry at an early age and was ordained Deacon and Elder by the late Bishop William Alexander Hilliard.

Dr. Frencher has pastured the following churches: Mt. Zion and Indian Hill A.M.E. Zion Churches, Fort Mill S.C. South Carolina Conference 1980-1981, Mt. Olivet A.M.E. Zion Church, Greensboro, NC West Central NC Conference 1981-1984, St. Stephen A.M.E. Zion Church, Hamlet, NC West Central NC Conference 1984-1988, Wesley Center A.M.E. Zion Church, Pittsburgh, PA. Allegheny Conference 1988-1992, Trinity A.M.E. Zion Church, Greensboro, NC West Central NC Conference 1992-Present

Dr. Frencher serves on several Committees and holds many positions, including, Member of the Connectional Budget Board, Treasurer of the West Central NC Conference, Adjunct Professor, Hood Theological Seminary and Chairman, Finance Committee, Dorothy Walls Conference and Retreat Center.

He is married to the former Gelenia Aaron and they have two children: Michelle and Michael “J”.

This is how Rev. Dr. Frencher answered the questions:  

Why do you think we have a lack of young adult involvement in our church?

I believe many Young Adults do not participate in our church because many of our Young Adults do not feel accepted with the gifts and talents that they bring. Young Adults are looking for places where they can freely exercise their gifts, talents and abilities.

As Bishop what will you do to engage the young adults?
As a Bishop I will do all I can to make room for Young Adults to actively participate in the church. I will do my best not to stifle them with outdated traditions, but will gladly discuss with them some of the changes that need to take place to help make the church more inclusive of young adults, youth and children. I believe that by keeping the lines of communication open we will receive fresh new and creative ideas that will enhance the growth and development of our church, especially as it involves Young Adults.

Currently what ministries are you doing at your local church that engages young adults?

At Trinity A.M.E. Zion Church I worked with the Young Adults who sponsored a series of Discipleship Classes designed to help members learn more about the church and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The Young Adults did an excellent job sponsoring this ministry which greatly benefited the entire church. I have also nominated Young Adults to serve on the Steward Board, the Class Leaders Board and have also nominated some as Class Leaders. The Young Adults participate in several other areas of ministry in the church including:
·         The Lay Council
·         Christian Education
·         The Scouting Program
·         Missionary Society
Where do you see our church in the next 10 years?

In the next ten years I see the A.M.E. Zion Church moving forward with new vigor and vitality. I see the A.M.E. Zion Church operating with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit which will empower the gifts of our people. I see a new Freedom Church that will live out the legacy of its beginnings in a new way that bless us. I see great things happening with us because more and more people will be involved and making contributions. This can happen when we approach the future with a TEAM Approach:
·         T-Teaching and Training at all levels
·         E- Evangelism and Church Growth
·         A- Accountability and Responsibility for financial and fiscal affairs
·         M- Ministry Support and Leadership Development

Together Each Achieves More

If you would like to contact Rev. Dr. Michael Angelo Frencher he can be reached at

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Michael A Frencher Sr. is truly a supporter of the YACM department on every level of our beloved Zion. He is a pastor, teacher and supporter of this Ministry. Dr. Frencher is one who does allow Young Adults to share their talents and gifts. He has been very supportive of the YA from the Greensboro District as we served the connectional church on the YACM Steering Committee.

    Constance Leach
    Southeastern Region Chairperson 2006-2010 (YACM)
    Greensboro Dist. YACM Director
